Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Yes, the Equipped Bible Course for All Believers is free bible course. There are no hidden fees or costs associated with the course.

The course is open to believers of all levels of understanding, including pastors and individuals from various denominations. It is designed to cater to a diverse audience seeking to deepen their knowledge of the Bible.

The course is designed to be completed within 9 months. Participants are required to complete a minimum of three lessons per week to meet this timeline.

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including basics and fundamentals required for studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It also delves into understanding the new covenant, discerning good and evil, interpreting parables, and more.

Yes, the Equipped Bible Course for All Believers has helped over 300,000 graduates from around the world master the Bible. The course is designed to provide participants with a clear and comprehensive understanding of Scripture.