Protection of Personal Information (POPI)

1. Purpose of POPIA

The right to privacy is a fundamental human right which is protected by the Constitution of South Africa. The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (‘POPIA’) aims to promote the protection of the right to privacy through providing guiding principles that must be applied to the processing of personal information. Through ministering and teaching the word to its members and the whole world, Shincheonji Church of Jesus is involved in the collection, recordal and disclosure of the personal information of its members and those affiliated with Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Due the importance of the right to privacy, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus is committed to effectively manage personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.

2. Compliance with POPI

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is a public, non-profit organisation with the objectives to worship God as a fellowship of believers; to minister to each other and to the world; to teach and encourage everyone both at home and around the world, in the opened word of God and to nurture growth through teaching and fellowship. In terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, Shincheonji Church of Jesus is a responsible party when it is processing the personal information of its members, volunteers and those affiliated with the organisation and will meet all processing requirements in respect of such information. Shincheonji Church of Jesus has established a framework and has set out guiding principles according to which Shincheonji Church of Jesus will process the personal information of its members and those affiliated with the organisation.

3. Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to: demonstrate Shincheonji Church of Jesus’s commitment to protecting the privacy rights of Data subjects; ensure that Shincheonji Church of Jesus complies with the provisions of POPIA in the processing of personal information; and protect Shincheonji Church of Jesus from committing an offence as defined in chapter 11 of POPIA.

4. Rights of Data subjects

The Right to Access Personal Information the Right to Object to the Processing of Personal Information the Right to have Personal Information corrected or deleted the Right to Object to Direct Marketing the Right to Lodge a Complaint with the Information Regulator the Right to be Informed

5. Information Officer

Shincheonji Church of Jesus has appointed Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen as it information officer. Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen is contactable at: Email address: Cell phone number: +27844615404

6. POPIA Conditions for Processing Personal Information

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is committed to processing Personal Information in a manner that achieves the objectives of POPIA by complying with the following principles: Accountability Processing limitation Purpose specification Further processing limitation Information quality Openness Security Safeguards Data subject participation

7. Procedure of requests for Personal Information

A request for access to Personal Information of a Data subject must be made by email, addressed to the Information Officer. Once a request for access to Personal Information has been received, the Information Officer will provide the Data subject with a “Personal Information Request Form.” The prescribed from will be made available on request. Once the completed form has been received, the Information Officer will verify the identity of the Data subject prior to handing over any Personal Information. All requests will be processed and considered against the provisions of POPIA and PAIA.

8. Complaints Resolution Procedure

Shincheonji Church of Jesus is committed to processing and resolving all complaints in with the necessary urgency and sensitivity. POPI complaints must be addressed to the Information Officer at the address mentioned above, in the prescribed manner on a “POPI Complaint Form”. The prescribed form will be made available on request. Where the complaint has been received by any person other than the Information Officer, that person will ensure that the full details of the complaint reach the Information Officer within 24 hours. Where the Data subject is not satisfied with the Information Officer’s suggested remedies, the Data subject has the right to complain to the Information Regulator in accordance with section 74 of POPIA.